Scoliosis in Teenagers

Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (the most common type of scoliosis) usually develops between the ages of 10 and 15. Consequently, most of our patients make their first visit to the Scoliosis SOS Clinic as teenagers.

Causes of Scoliosis in Teens

Scoliosis in teens can be caused by numerous factors, and can still be idiopathic, meaning that there is no known cause. The common types of teenager scoliosis include:

  • Congenital scoliosis - sideways curvature of the spine that was present at birth
  • Idiopathic scoliosis - unknown cause of scoliosis and cannot be prevented; adolescent idiopathic scoliosis is estimated to affect between 3% and 4% of teenagers in the UK
  • Neuromuscular scoliosis - associated with disorders of the brain, spinal cord and other neurological issues such as cerebral palsy, spina bifida, and more

Signs of scoliosis in teens may be subtle at first, making it difficult to determine whether scoliosis is present until symptoms are more pronounced.

Scoliosis Symptoms in Teenagers

Scoliosis in a teenager can present itself in numerous ways including physical signs like:

  • Uneven shoulders
  • Leaning to one side
  • Visibly curved spine
  • Ribs sticking out on one side
  • Uneven hips
  • Back pain
  • Different leg lengths

Scoliosis symptoms in teenagers might not always be scoliosis, but anything more than a 10 degree curve of the spine is considered scoliosis. For proper diagnosis, please consult with your doctor.

The sideways curvature of scoliosis leads to one side of the body protruding out (rib, hip, shoulder), causing the body to appear as if it is constantly leaning to one side.

Uneven shoulders
Compromised breathing (in severe cases)
Visible spinal curvature
Uneven hips/legs
Back pain

These symptoms can be distressing at any age, but it’s important to bear in mind that teenagers are particularly susceptible to feelings of low self-esteem and negative self-image as they try to fit in with their peers. We recommend seeking treatment as soon as possible if you suspect your teenager has scoliosis.

Scoliosis Diagnosis in Teenagers

Scoliosis might be difficult to detect in the early stages, particularly as symptoms are subtle at first. However, as symptoms begin to show, diagnosis is often straightforward.

Screening and Examination

For many, scoliosis might be first noticed at regular checkups and/or school-based screening programs. During a scoliosis screening or examination, the doctor will likely check the following:

  • Posture
  • Balance
  • Height

The forward bend test (where you simply lean forward towards your toes) might also be performed to check for spinal deformity.

X-Rays and Other Tests

If scoliosis is suspected after a screening, then the diagnosis will be confirmed via an X-ray and other tests. X-rays are used to measure the degree of the spinal curvature, while other tests, such as MRI or CT scans might be used to help rule out other conditions or complications.

No one’s body is completely symmetrical. You should only be concerned if you see significant differences in rib cage protrusion, shoulder height, etc.

Scoliosis Treatment for Teenagers

There are a few different treatment options for teenagers with scoliosis. GPs are likely to recommend different treatments depending on the age of the patient and the severity of the spinal curve.

Here at Scoliosis SOS, we provide a non-invasive treatment approach to scoliosis, which includes tailored exercise and therapy programmes that cater to individual needs, goals, and preferences. No matter if you are looking to reduce spinal curvature and/or improve your mobility and flexibility, our scoliosis specialists are on hand to help. Seek a consultation to begin.


Observation involves keeping an eye on the curvature without starting any formal treatment. It is likely to be recommended if the patient’s spinal curvature is relatively mild at present.


If the patient is still growing, doctors may recommend that they wear a scoliosis brace to prevent further curve progression. The most common type of brace is a rigid plastic shell called a ‘Boston brace’ that must usually be worn all day and removed only when showering/bathing.


Exercise-based therapy can be an effective course of treatment for teenagers with scoliosis, whether they’re in the early or late stages of adolescence. Our ScolioGold treatment programme is a non-invasive option that helps to correct the patient’s spinal curve while reducing pain and improving muscle balance.


Spinal fusion surgery may be recommended for teenagers with severe cases of scoliosis. During this procedure, the surgeon anchors a series of rods to the spine using tiny hooks and screw. A bone graft is then applied – this eventually fuses with the spine with the aim of preventing further curve progression.

Before & After Treatment

We have treated hundreds of teenagers with scoliosis here at the Scoliosis SOS Clinic.

We know that every patient’s symptoms, curvature and desired end goals are different. That’s why we tailor our ScolioGold method to suit you. We even offer flexible course dates so teenagers can be treated around commitments like school and college.

Here are some of the results we’ve been able to achieve for our teenage scoliosis patients:

Emotional and Social Effects of Scoliosis in Teenagers

Without a doubt, scoliosis can have emotional and social effects, especially for teenagers. Don’t be afraid to talk to someone that you trust, join a support group, or seek professional help if you are struggling with how to cope with your scoliosis diagnosis.

At Scoliosis SOS, we provide scoliosis treatment courses, as well as virtual therapy and in-person sessions to help you manage symptoms at a pace that is defined by you.

Case Study: Molly, 16 Years Old

Molly was diagnosed with scoliosis in 2015. The following year, she came to the Scoliosis SOS Clinic for treatment.

Our treatment programme helped Molly to understand her condition and get it under control. Her school supported her by setting time aside for her to do her scoliosis exercises.

Looking for expert support and guidance when it comes to treating scoliosis in teenagers? Scoliosis SOS has got you covered with our high-quality treatment options, delivered by friendly, trained, and experienced scoliosis specialists. Contact us today to learn more about our services and/or for further enquiries about scoliosis treatment.

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All of you are doing a great job and giving people hope. Your enthusiasm and hard work will never be forgotten.

Victoria, 20 from Cheltenham

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